
We are a diverse community group of advocates with a common goal of helping the people of American Samoa fight cancer.  A unique piece of our community is the Fa’a Samoa, the traditional context of our people and way of life.  Instilled in it is the fundamental belief that family and faith come first.  

We are a family of women, men, fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, sons and daughters who are faithfully dedicated to our mission.  


We offer wholistic approaches to helping people with cancer.  The effects of being diagnosed with cancer do not stop with the physical, but extend to the psychosocial, emotional and even financial burden for the patient and their families.  We understand there are limited resources to diagnose and treat cancer on island, so we focus on two priorities to unite our activities.

1) Prevent cancer from occurring; and

2) Aid those who have been affected with cancer.


We understand it takes strength and perseverance of our members and staff.  We utilize these to support each other and accomplish our mission.


As we are dedicated to our mission, we realize that collaboration is vital to success.  It has been through partnerships and working together in the community that we have been successful.  We will continue to use this and our dedication to the community as long as cancer affects the people of American Samoa.

How to join:

Joining the ASCCC is free!  If you are interested in joining our family through support, advocacy, fundraising and volunteering, we would be grateful for your help.  Click here to complete a membership form.  


In 2002, a Pacific Cancer Intiative was formed between American Samoa and nine other jurisdictions in the United States Association of Pacific Island Nations (USAPIN). From this initiative, the Cancer Council of the Pacific Islands (CCPI) was formed and funded by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) to assess the cancer burden on each jurisdiction. In 2004, the assessment showed that cancer was the second leading cause of death in American Samoa. With this information, it was decided that a coalition, made of government and non-government organizations needed to be formed to reduce the incidence of cancer morbidity and mortality on island.

Currently many partnerships (both locally and nationally), fundraising events, and projects have been established. Our membership has grown and a 7 member Board of Directors leading the way. Now we are a non-profit organization whose main goal is to eliminate cancer on island. But, this goal can not be reached by one organization alone. A collaborative effort between a diverse group of stakeholders or partners is needed, because we must remember:

Ua o gatasi le futia ma le umele.


American Samoa Community Cancer Coalition
P.O. Box 1716
Pago Pago, Am. Samoa 96799
Phone: (684) 699-0110
Fax: (684) 699-5524
Email:  [email protected]

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PH: +1 (684) 699-0110
EMAIL: [email protected]


American Samoa Community Cancer Coalition
Sa Iosia Building #3
PO Box 1716
Nu’uuli, AS 96799


Monday – Friday
8:00 am to 4:00 pm

Closed on national
and local holidays

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