Cancer Survivor Support Group

How can I help?

Helping can be as simple as contacting us and volunteering. Though helping isn’t just limited to only ASCCC projects and programs;  become an active member of your community and help others in need. To contact us, email us at: [email protected].

Donations are always greatly appreciated. 


I know someone with cancer and I don’t know what to do?

We run cancer support groups for people who are dealing with cancer, either as patients, survivors, or a close friend or family member. The emotional stresses of cancer from the diagnosis, through treatment, and beyond can be very hard on just about anybody. Joining a support group can help you learn how to talk to others about your situation and eventually help you deal with it.


Supporting Our Mission

If you are a community organizer, church leader, or are interested in helping us organize a presentation or event with your organization, church, or club, please contact us by email at: [email protected]. Education, awareness, and prevention are three key elements in fighting cancer’s effects in our community. Help us help you and those you love and care about.

Sharing Your Experiences

The American Samoa Community Cancer Coalition believes that the quality of life for cancer patients can improve when they share experiences.  Cancer survivors make a difference every day by educating others on the treatment process and the myths behind cancers.  A survivor can help people move from ‘victim’ to ‘victor’.  If you are a Cancer Survivor in the territory, we call upon your assistance.  Your experience can help others who are struggling with this disease.  There are many ways that you can help:

  •  Be a “buddy” to a cancer patient.  Call someone with cancer; offer to attend their physician meetings; contact them via internet.
  • Share your treatment choices with others.  Explain how you made your decision for care, can help other cancer patients.
  • Help patients to be prepared during their physician visits.  Write a list of questions or concerns that you may have had during your treatment. Talk to others on how you informed your boss or coworkers about how you were diagnosed with cancer.  Let people know that you care, by listening, by sharing your thoughts, and by providing assistance will be helpful to not only patients, but family and friends of someone with cancer.
  • Become a “peer counselor” – receive training on how you can help people with similar experiences.

Most importantly is get involved. Join the effort by becoming a member of the ASCCC by filling out a membership form.  Membership is free.  If you would like more information on how you can get involved please contact us via email at: [email protected] or call 699-0110.



PH: +1 (684) 699-0110
EMAIL: [email protected]


American Samoa Community Cancer Coalition
Sa Iosia Building #3
PO Box 1716
Nu’uuli, AS 96799


Monday – Friday
8:00 am to 4:00 pm

Closed on national
and local holidays

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