We are all aware of the toll that cancer can take on our community. Cancer is currently the second leading cause of death in American Samoa.

The American Samoa Community Cancer Coalition (ASCCC) was formed to help the community fight the affects of cancer physically, emotionally, spiritually, and now financially.

The ASCCC is now providing stipends to those individuals who are fighting against this disease through various fundraising efforts.  Stipends are only given out as funds are made available.  If funds are not available, your application will be placed on a waiting list and will be reviewed at that time.

To apply for assistance, click on the “Application Form” link below and complete the application. Then email the completed form to: [email protected].  If you have any further questions, please call (684) 699-0110.



PH: +1 (684) 699-0110
EMAIL: [email protected]


American Samoa Community Cancer Coalition
Sa Iosia Building #3
PO Box 1716
Nu’uuli, AS 96799


Monday – Friday
8:00 am to 4:00 pm

Closed on national
and local holidays

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